the global lounge.

mentoring + allyship, resources, reading room

unique and interconnected

working together around world



“The architecture portfolio is the greatest tool in the hands of a student or a professional architect to present themselves and their work to potential employers, clients or tutors.”

The Portfolio is often the first introduction to who one is as a creative. It is used for various reasons, both academically and professionally, to showcase one’s abilities, talents and interests in design. Having a clear and memorable portfolio is often crucial to opening up opportunities in a career in design.

This two-part Global Studio Portfolio Workshop will bring together professionals, educators, and students worldwide to discuss effective strategies in creating an architectural and creative portfolio.



Do you have a favourite reading you’d like to share? Help us curate a diverse, global reading list.

(hint to students!) We encourage everyone to make suggestions.

  • All Is Lost: Notes on Broken World Design.

    J.C. Chandor’s film tells the story of one man’s struggle with nature. It is also a persuasive parable about our collective struggle with life at the end of modernity, as our fragile certainties are giving way and breaking down.

    read the article

  • What Is a Treaty? On Contract and Mutual Aid

    Aaron Mills/Waabishki Ma’iingan

    (2017) In Borrows, J. and Coylee, M. (eds) The Right Relationship: Reimaginingthe Implementation of Historical Treaties.

    Mills discussing what it means to engage in ‘right relations’, a practice that acknowledges and values different world views as unique and interdependent.

    Read the chapter

  • Ingenious Architecture: A Skatepark That Prevents Flooding

    This new development is an innovative way to approach the increase in precipitation brought on by climate change.

    Read the article

Strathcona Mural, Vancouver, BC